Monday, March 9, 2009

Barnie of the week!

I honestly can't stand this, Barnie, but I'm going to use him as an example for the rest of the dysfunctional Aubarn Family...

This is what happens whenever you pay too much attention to Nick Satan. As you can see, this country bumpkin Barnie (a Wire Road specialty at that) used the classic Nick Saban term "Coon-Ass".

Folks, if you are a true Barnie, you do not use that word at Aubarn (AL), simply because Nick Satan says it. If Nick Satan were to tell his brother to go milk a cow, would you do it... Okay... Maybe that's not a good analogy. Let's try that again... If Nick Satan were to tell his brother to go jump off a cliff, would you tell your brother/sister/mother/cousin-wife to go jump off a bridge too?

If you want to be a TRUE Aubarn Man™, you don't run off and repeat after Nick Satan OR ANY Bammer at that. K?


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