Folks, if you didn't get to catch Aubarn (AL)'s convincing victory over BCS powerhouse Louisiana-Tech, then you missed several historic moments unveil themselves last Saturday night: Gene Cheez-it's Aubarn (AL) debut; Gene Cheez-it's SIXTH career victory; the first game of Aubarn (AL)'s 2009 BCS/Iron Bowl National Championship season; and lastly Gene Cheez-it being awarded a brand spankin' new double-wide on Wire Road, courtesy of the Aubarn (AL) Athletic Department for beating the second best "Tech" program in the country (the first being us).
Coach Cheez-it said he's already made hotel reservations in Pasadena, California!
At least we beat the best Tech team in the state of Louisianer, while Alabammer struggled with a no-named Tech team from somewhere up North.

Tune in this Saturday as Aubarn (AL) and Coach Gene Cheez-it focuses their attention on
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