Monday, September 28, 2009

Operation: Backfire Update... Somebody had better get Curtis Anderson on the phone QUICK!

News broke today that Alabammer's Jerrell Harris is going to be reinstated in two weeks according to bammer coach Nick $atan. For us Barnies, this is NOT good news.

I hope the Aubarn (AL) boosters have gotten wind of this so they can bribe Curtis Anderson into maybe luring ole' Jerrell back into another trap in hopes of derailing Alabammer's program once again.

Even though the plan failed... at least they have no clue that the Aubarn (AL) boosters are the source of all this mambo jumbo! ROUND TWO HERE WE GO!

No word on whether he has read my open letter to him or not.


  1. The third time's a charm I take it?

  2. From what I hear the barnies won the case with Juwuan James! Though it's too bad he's still not considering them! :-D
