Folks, what you about to read is the truth. We're talking UFO, Bigfoot, and Aubarn (AL) winning the national championship in '09 truth!!! Enjoy...
"The zebras have hammered Auburn for three straight games, and while many calls were earned, just as many were bogus--and much more destructive than the earned ones. That is unprecedented in all my years of watching SEC football. The very fact that the SEC office all but admitted corruption by saying the "call wasn't there" last week in the Ark -FL game (and then suspending the refs), convinces me of the obvious--the problem is conference-wide, if not NCAA-wide. In this day and age of hard times and economic insecurity, there are many obvious motives to tamper with the games. The most hard to believe motive, however, sould be that in our case the Red Elephants DO NOT WANT AU to succeed with what might be an incredible recruiting class. Call me whatever you want. I don't give a damm, but I've never seen such purposeful calls AGAINST a specific team, and would say so if the target were Alabama or Tennessee. And while you are riding your high horse and shouting "bl;ack helicopters," stop for just a moment to explain to me why this has been going on the past three weeks. One thing's for sure, no matter how you do it, put early legal pressure on a team and in a game of talented athletes critical plays, and you can orchestrate outcome. It' ain't, as they say, rocket science.Alabama may well be the only program in the country that would go so far, but when you have them on retainer, they might as well earn their $$ when you aren't playing. Again, I don't give a rat's rear end what anybody thinks, but this is new ground even for SEC refs. -Mrkgreen"
"So what will happen with #2??
We can overcome #1, but unless there is some investigation not #2. -AUdreamer"
"There has never been any thing that resembles what passes for SEC officiating. While I have zero proof, I cannot help believe my own eyes. Cheating is the word that applies. The University of Alabama (the corruption goes all the way to the top) will do anything to win and to damage Auburn. They are a mafia type organization, and they have people in high places who are mafia connected. I've said it before and I will say it again, if they will pay $200,000 for a fat defensive lineman from Memphis, who else will they pay? There are also other ways to affect people's actions other than bribes. Pressure can be brought in many ways. The SEC will do nothing. If the NCAA doesn't act, nothing will change. -CaptainWonderful"
"Penny wise and dollar foolish. Perhaps. They may kill the golden goose yet. But unless the fan base turns its nose to pre-determined outcomes, you are right. People love their fantasies. -Mrkgreen"
"I would happily donate $10K towards private investigators if something really came of it - I kid you not. And I can afford it. -AUdreamer"
"Although I've disagreed with some of your positions in the past, we are in total agreement on point #2. Many of our fans, particularly the younger ones, have no idea the lengths bama will go to to not only insure the success of their program, but the failure of ours -BigAquila"
"I really, really hate to admit this, Mark, but I have felt the same way about #2. alabama was having a GREAT first half of the season, and the story (at least where I am) was Auburn, Chizik, Trooper Towels, get on the Gus Bus, etc. There was big time momentum in recruiting. Big Cat weekend, Tiger Prowl, etc. didn't "scare" anybody, but it sent a message that this staff came to play - and they have. One alabama HS coach (who is also an alabama fan) was quoted as saying he had not seen much of AU coaches in the last couple years, "but Luper and Trooper are EVERYWHERE!" (he didn't use those names exactly, they are under bama's skin so bad that they have 'earned' nicknames, but that is who he was talking about).
They had to find a way to help stop it. To kill the momentum.
Knowing how they operate, I believe they decided after the AU-West Virginia game that enough was enough, and the wheels were turning. Don't forget, these officials do have regular jobs. This is not their primary job.
I am telling you they want to BURY us off the field and leave nothing to chance. For some reason - even with a rock star head coach - they are not satisfied with good old 'mano y mano' competition on and off the field. Despite perception, Auburn has more than held its own when all things were 'equal'. They want to leave nothing to chance. - TIGRRR"
"Point #2 isdead on!!! I have never seen so many zebra flags against AU that were flat out fraud.
Notice every single time UT crossed the bammer 30; there was a flag? -theagent39"
"The first thing I said was that I have zero proof. Secondly it would be very difficult to prove. Cash handled properly does not leave a paper trail, and their are other ways of motivating, including threats and blackmail. I am not just talking about Auburn playing poorly either. Did you see the Florida - Arkansas game? I cannot go out and investigate. I have neither the means or the knowhow. Neither am I Sherlock Holmes, Thomas Magnum, or Jim Rockford. Believe what you want, but open your eyes and observe. -CaptainWonderful"
"... the truth is that there were at least 5 or 6 KEY penalties that were called against us OR not called against LSU that were the difference between a close game and a 21-point loss. The craziest thing I saw was early in the game they called our DB for "unneccessary roughness". OK fine, so I guess the refs are being overly protective of the players. But later in the 2nd quarter an LSU DB not only led with his helmet, he hit Blake helmet-to-helmet... but no call???? And that was just one no-call/bad call out of at least 5 or 6 others. It boggles the mind. Had the refs not blown so many calls, I think the chances are great that the score would have been tied 7-7 at halftime. No doubt we would have played better had we been tied rather than being down 17-0. -FrostyMuggs"
"This is hardlly just about Auburn. An undefeated bama vs an underfeated Florida in the SEC championship game will produce huge dollars. It's really pretty simple. -CaptainWonderful"
"yes our team is bad, but if anyone thinks bammer would not do what Mark Green and other people suggested with the refs, then you are living in a bubble. Bammer is the most corrupt program ever. They declared war on Auburn after the 6 in a row. They will do whatever it takes. -autiger288"
"I try not to get to caught up in conspiracy theories and all that with refs and their bad calls, but for whatever reason they sure have stunk something terrible the last few games, all AU loses. -bcox4life"
ITA(AL)T does have a point! It was the officiating that cost us the nail-biter Saturday night... and why? Eight simple letters: BAMMER!
Sources Bobby From Homewood, Alabammer and I(ncomprehensible)-Man are reporting Alabama will be receiving a PLOI in three weeks and they will receive the death penalty plus all of their male fans will be castrated for this!
You need to get premium content from Pay Sites off your blog. If you don't you will be getting notice soon.
ReplyDeleteBe careful, Aubarnie, you could be receiving the same death penalty notice that Alabama will be receiving in the coming weeks.
ReplyDeleteRight Carson?
This notice is coming in three weeks, roughly around the same time Daddy Alabama's PLOI comes in, right barnzoe Carson?