BREAKING NEWS: Aubarn (AL) sources are reporting that the NCAA is investigating Alabammer on possibly another infraction committed by the Turd as of today. The infraction occurred last Saturday in Arkansaw's stadium as it's being reported Alabammer illegally paid off the ref's to single-handedly make Aubarn (AL) lose the game.
Alabammer is basically up shit creek without a paddle on this one as they are facing the death penalty YET AGAIN (and check out this informative post on Alabammer's death penalty). They were so scared of Aubarn (AL) that they done had to gone off and stoop so low. But what do you expect from bammerz?
Aubarn (AL) out-performed the second-best offensive unit in the country (second to ours of course) -- yet we still lose 'cause of those cheating bammerz paying those cheating ref's.
It's okay. Karma is a beotch and I can already tell ya it don't like Alabammer.
Despite all the controversy, Aubarn (AL) lucked up as Heisman caliber quarterback, Mike Hartline won't be playing for Kentucky next week when he faces Aubarn (AL)'s highly explosive defense. Is he playing hokie?
But if we lose Saturday, I'm sure Alabammer will play a big factor in it. But don't worry my fellow Barnies, we'll soon be basking in the glory of their demise for all the cheating they're doing!
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