When I first heard that Gene Chizik was officially announced as a candidate for the Polytechnic Institute job, the first thing that struck my mind was: a national championship.

Coach Mack Brown thanks Coach Cheez-it for winning
the 2005 BCS Championship for the Longhorns.
Saturday December 13th 2008 was the day that Barnies, such as myself, will NEVER EVER forget. It was the beginning of a new chapter in the historical novel that is Aubarn football.

When coach Cheez-it stepped off of that plane, you could feel a sense of "change" in the air. I'm not referring to the "change" President-elect Obama is proposing, I'm talking a change of which impacted the entire Opelika community... a change of attitude; winning; success; character; and all around greatness.
*A look at Coach Cheez-it's past accomplishments and predictions of future accomplishments*

Coach Cheez has a plan -- a plan to restore the order in Polytechnic Institute football.
2004: He led us (Opelika) to our first ever Opelika Farmer's Market National Championship. We were undefeated AND we also beat Bammer that year AND he beat Nick Satan, who was at LSU, but it still counts.
2005: He led the Texas Longhorns to a BCS National Championship and defeated the greatest team, second to us, the USC Trojans.
I feel a sense of change in the air around Opelika -- and it ain't the fresh smell of cow manure wafting throughout the loveliest village on the plains either. It's championships -- something only HE could deliver, which Tuberneck never could do. Here's my predictions:
2009: He'll lose an overtime game against LSU by 1 point (but only because them darn refs will screw us again). But he'll rebound by winning every other game, including Bammer and Satan.
2010: He'll go undefeated, beating Bammer and Satan for two in a row, and will win the national championship.
2011: See 2010, only make that three in a row over Bammer and a remarkable winning record over that overrated piece of cow manure, Nick Satan.
I have a feeling we'll continue to repeat the 2010 and 2011 years from then on out. Plus, unlike Satan, Coach Cheez-wiz is man of his word. To prove it, he took a step down from Iowa State, just to take over the Polytechnic job. Why would he leave us, especially when he'll be so successful here?
Coach Chizik rides in like the midnight rider, and tagging alongside of the legend in the making is his new pet cow, donated to him by The Polytechnic Institute and the citizens of Opelika.

War Dadgum Eagle to all Hey!
You dadgumm right he's the best coach EVERRR!!! But you think he might be able to change the Awburn mascot. I mean I never understood why we got a tiger as a mascot. Heck, tigers ain't even a native animal in this part of Alabama. I don't know what I would like to change it to though, Arkansaw has already got dibs on the best mascot there is, but I would like to see our mascot as something you see around the Plains pretty often. I would say we could use a goat as a mascot, but we all know what happens to goats and I don't want no bammer jokes about that's what's gonna happen to us in the Iron Bowl. But I guess we can keep the tiger since we the only school good enough that we need TWO mascots. At least we ain't like Troy who named their mascot after a condom (why would they want to go and do something like that fer anyway?) WUHR DADGUMM EEGULL!