The Tiger Walk

Leading the pack is my good friend Boomer, disguised as one of the many Aubarn Elvis' who patrol our campus on gameday. What I always wonder the most is, "Could Boomer actually be the real Elvis?" But that's another story for another time. Boomer is always the Grand Marshall for this great pregame tradition!
The Tiger Walk became famous, many, many moons ago when the fraternity houses used to walk their cows through here during the pregame calling it, "The Cow Walk". The
The Samford Hall Public John

This tradition was an instant success, which originally started after the 1999 Iron Bowl, and since then, seeing how it's grown rapidly amongst the opposing fans, we decided to rename our sign "The Samford Hall Public John".
Leaving Jordan-Haire-Cow-
Pasture-Stadium Early On

By the end of the fourth quarter, in most games, only the opposing fans are left in the stadium; however, we don't let them stick around for too long because most of the time we like to break out the water hoses and hose those son of a guns down.
Just ask the Georgia fans about that one.

Unarguably The Best Fans In Lee County!

Helmet Stickers

But a skeptical Barnie said to me last night, "They'd better not order to many because there won't be many touchdowns scored this year!"
Body Painting In Lake Barfield

Before each home game, in the wee hours of the morning, our students always run down to Lake Barfield, line up in an orderly fashion, strip down to their birthday suit, and cannonball into Lake Barfield. By the time our entire body makes contact with the water, it's fully absorbed into our skin, turning us all orange, like our great color!
There are times where some of us want to show our school-spirit off all week, therefore, we don't wash the orange off at all! One loyal Barnie jumped in during his freshman year, refusing to wash his body afterwards, and ten years later he's an orange-colored sophmore!

We do realize that we don't school the brightest students in America, but our football team ALWAYS manages to excel in terms of academics, notably our illiterate players with learning disabilities such as: Junior Rosegreen, "St-St-Stuttering" Kenny Irons, and the Illiterate Cadillac.
Professor Pette aka the greatest professor in
Perhaps one of our most intelligent players, ever to wear the historic orange and blue jerseys is our cadillac, and current pinto:

In fact, this tradition is so great, each and every student and student-athlete, who received free class credits, also is rewarded with a free bumper sticker, to stay in touch with each other!

You can even find our advertisements on billboards, just above every mile-marker on the fabulous Highway 280!

Here's a piece of work one of our proud

James Gundlach

Professor Gundlach, prime nominee for Barnie of the Week, seems to have somewhat of a problem with other professors handing out free class credits for little or no work at all. Maybe it's because his end of the cow, isn't very meaty?!?!?!
Momma told me if it weren't for our fine Sociology department, 3/4th of our team wouldn't last long enough to see their redshirt freshman year! WOW!
Our Co-MVPs

We have a strong history of having opponents, playing in Jordan-Haire-Cow-Pasture Stadium, going against our football players, fans, coaches, cows, and referees. The refs always seem to do a better job than everyone else, and even LSU will admit that!
LSU vs. Auburn – September 16, 2006
It was one of those typical SEC smash mouth, defensive struggles. LSU was up 3-0 at halftime, and Auburn had scored a touchdown in the third quarter to make it 7-3.
There were two calls that robbed LSU of a chance to win the game. The first was a catch resulting in a first down by Jacob Hester. Hester made the catch, but then dropped the ball and it went out of bounds. It was ruled a reception on the field. The play was reviewed and could only be overturned if “indisputable” evidence existed. The replay clearly showed that Hester had possession and took two full steps before dropping the ball, but the replay official overturned the call on the field.
Then with 2:46 left on the clock, LSU was going for it on 4th and 6. Jamarcus Russell dropped back and threw a dart to an open Early Doucet. Before Doucet could make the catch, an Auburn defender tackled him and drew a flag. The refs conferred and announced that it was pass interference on the defense and that LSU would advance 15 yards and get a 1st down.
Inexplicably, the referee then waved off the flag saying that there was no interference because the ball had been tipped by a defender. Back to the replay booth. The replay clearly showed that the ball was tipped, but only after Doucet was tackled. This meant that the interference happened before the tip; therefore the interference call should stand.
The replay official overturned the interference and gave the ball back to Auburn. It was later discovered that the replay official was not only an Auburn alumnus, but was also a big booster to the program. I guess that’s how he got the job. Nevertheless, this blatant home cooking cost LSU a chance to play for the SEC Championship and possibly a national title.
...won't be flying this coming football season.
The War Eagle's caretakers claim ole' Tiger died of the West Niles virus a few days after Alabammer cheated to beat us in 2008. But the funny thing is, Grandpa Colonel Dovard, an expertise in the field of bird hunting, has an eagle that looks JUST LIKE the late, great Tiger setting atop of his fridge. Grandpa Colonel Dovard claims, "Tiger's beak is a perfect beer can/bottle opener!"Oh well, we still have over 10,000 other mascots to choose from in terms of replacing the eagle!
Rolling Booger's Corner

At Aubarn, we have the best damn traditions in Lee County. After we win a football game, or when Alabammer loses one, we hit up all the local gas stations and mini-marts in Opelika and Aubarn, stealing all the toilet paper they have. Then we follow that up by running back down to downtown Albarn and throwing it all in a tree!
It is, by far, the greatest tradition in Lee County, and it's an even bigger tradition than a lot of the high schools have around here! Heck, we'd rather throw toilet paper in trees than win a National Championship!
PS: WE DID NOT STEAL THIS TRADITION FROM WAKE FORREST!Brothers Phil and Bill, two avid Barnies.
Brothers Phil and Bill, the sneaky and clever little son of a guns that they are, head down to Booger's Corner every Sunday morning and wrap all the toilet paper back up, then they head back down to Wire Road and sell it all. GENIUS! They also said, this coming year, they highly doubt they'll have enough toilet paper to wipe a goat's anus with. GENIUS!
The Albarn homecoming parade is another great tradition of Opelika -- even greater than the homecoming rodeo (which you'll read about later on down the page).Featured in the above photo is Clanton on his vintage 1967 Opelika Farmer's Market tractor. He's had that tractor ever since the Shug Jordan era, and he's driven it in every Opelika homecoming parade ever since then!
Rodeos in Opelika is like a second religion. We firmly worship them, even more than we do Alabammer.Each weekend,

Homecoming Queens at Wire Road Get N Go

The Wire Road Get N Go gas station is where all the Barnie homecoming queens earns their stripes!
My mom, bless her heart, is the official homecoming queen trainer, which she's a large contributer to the "Help Aubarn's Marching Band Guys Get Laid" charity. She told me the other night that not all of the homecoming queens are females, because even Aubarn guys will take anything and that's another great Aubarn tradition in itself!
Boozing It Up At Booger's Corner

This here is Thorn participating in his favorite Aubarn tradition.
When we lose football games, we enjoy picking up ludes from Toomer's Drugs and buying a six-pack on top of that, then soak it all in/down at Booger's Corner.
An Alabammer fan said the other day, "You guys will end up having to join an AA club at the end of next season." GENIUS!
Official Polytechnic Institute Suppliers


And the greatest tradition of course is the last!!!
ReplyDeleteMy friend, you've just talked me into going to Aubarn!
ReplyDeletePS: Why isn't 'date night with the sheep' a tradition?