Monday, February 2, 2009

Coach Tuberneck to the Pac-10??!!??!!??!!

I thought Coach Tubs was done with coaching?!?!?!

Just the other day, I scooted My country-ass on down to the local bar here in Opelika to watch the All-Star game, in hopes of seeing some potential Alabammer Opelika Polytechnic Institute prospects at their finest, and low and behold, as soon as I walked through the door, I seen nothing but dropped jaws -- and no, it wasn't a result of Aubarn Mayer being sentenced to life in prison for animal sodomy -- it was Coach Tuberneck, commentating the event, and even saying, "I'd like to coach in the Pac-10." It made me wonder, "Whatever happened to your master chef career?"

Is it because he knows he can win in the Pac-10 not because he knows he can't win in the SEC without the benefit of taking advantage of his primary competition's weakened state?

If Tuberneck does decide to go to the Pac-10, Pete Carroll had better submit a letter of resignation, because within a year, it'll no longer be known as "The Pac-10 Conference" but instead "The Tommy Tuberneck Conference".

The only downside is, I hear the western part of the country isn't a prime location for duck hunting. I wonder if Tuberneck knows that? If so, they conference does have The Oregon DUCKS!! Maybe he should consider giving that a shot!

I wish Coach Tubs the absolute best of luck as he ventures out into an inevitably successful career of coaching in the Pac-10. I'll keep y'all posted on any breaking news regarding Tubs' future.



  1. Tubs is awaiting the A&M job. Mike Sherman has about another year left before he's ran off, then Tuberville will take his place and post a losing record in his first three seasons and retire for good after that.

  2. I'd be a perfect fit at a PAC-10 school. re-HIRE ME COACH TUBERVILLE!

  3. Tuberville won't leave the south. You can take that fact to the bank.
