Sorry, I just couldn't resist! Anyway, I woke up to some very splendid news today: Coach Cheez-it soared in his very first recruiting class, by bringing us the top class in the county, beating out high school powerhouses such as Opelika High School, Rose of Sharon, and Smiths Station High School. Immediately following, fliers were being passed out and posted up everywhere for the "Number 1 Class Rolling" and "Number 1 Class Rodeo".

The Number 1 Recruiting Class Rolling of Toomer's Ceremony.
Coach Cheez-it even spoke on the amazing accomplishment of which he was the driving force behind it all: "I come to you today to say it is an honorary privilege to live in the great county of Lee, in one of the best double-wides Wire Road has to offer. I'm also proud to be the head coach of this shitty... I mean, freaking awesome University, and who brought in one of the most dynamic recruiting classes ever to hit Lee County. With this phenomenal first ranked class, I will win the Iron Bowl National Championship every single year for as long as I'm here, and you can take that to the bank!" {Remember, this is the same coach who has a very unique sense of humor too}
As soon as Coach Cheez-it said that, I about shat in my tighty whitties! Not only did he deliver us one of the best (and number 1) recruiting class in years, he also is overly confident that he will win every Iron Bowl National Championship from here on out, and the way I see it, he'll be here for many, many years to come!
Folks, I can assure you the future is bright and our program is currently held in the absolute best of hands. I'm looking forward to next year's number 1 recruiting class in the county of Lee.
Until then, WAR DANG EAGLE HEY!!!
More recruiting news to come...
Congratulations, Aubarn! Opelika High never stood a chance, did they?